Wednesday, 26 June 2013

5 Things You Can Do to Get More Readers to Your Blog

Posted by Tee Jay on Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Getting traffic to your blog is one of the most exciting things in Blogging. Some people have gotten famous for it, others have gotten an income, and others still have gotten authority; but whatever the purpose, getting traffic to your blog is the aim for almost every blogger out there as it is the key to all of those things. So if every blogger is going for it, how come only some people actually achieve good traffic? More to the point, how can you get get good traffic to your blog? Well this article will go over 5 things you can do to get more readers to your blog.

Traffic To Blog

Content will Always be King:

The number one thing that you can do to get more readers to your blog is to give them a reason to stay, and that is with content. Whatever you produce--be it words, pictures, or video--it should be compelling and interactive enough to promote either a response from a reader or a share on someone’s social account.

But having just any old content on your site won’t do; it has to be content that is optimized for discoverability, readability, and likeability. Basically it has to be something that you put some thought into and made it so that potential readers would be invest their time in consuming it. If it’s not worthwhile then you can forget it.


Getting readers to comment is one thing, but its up to you as the owner of the blog to keep the conversation going. There is nothing that a reader likes more than to get a response from a comment that was left, and if it comes from the owner of the blog then it becomes that more valuable. Getting into the conversation with your current readers will promote the addition of newer ones who are looking to join in.

Become a Presence:

Building off of having conversations with your readers, you’ll also want to build conversations with other blog owners in your space. What this does is allows you to remain actively in the community and shows others that you aren’t just here one day and gone the next--you know your stuff and have an opinion on it. Also commenting on other people’s blogs opens the door for friendship and contact.

Don't Miss: How to Make Your Blog Popular

Guest Posting:

Once you’re a friend of someone, or at least an acquaintance, you may get an invite to write a post on their blog. This is one of the best ways to get readers to your blog as now you’re likely to get that person’s readers. Not saying you will take them away, but rather that they will be aware of your existence and, if you have good content, will add you to their reading lists.

Do Read: Guest Blogging Mistakes You Should Avoid

Link Building:

Link building is a great way to get more readers to your blog. You can also make healthy relations with other bloggers and webmasters by the help of link building. Link building will also help you to get better search engine ranking, alexa rankings and Google PR.

Do Read: Uncommon yet Powerful Link Building Strategies


The 5 things you can do to get more readers to your blog are: content, commenting, becoming a presence, guest posting, and linking. If you do all of these your metrics will increase, guaranteed.


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