Friday 6 July 2012

How to Write Your First Blog Post?

Posted by Tee Jay on Friday 6 July 2012

If you have chosen your blog niche and ready to start your own blog, then the question strikes in mind of many newbies is that "How to write your first blog post?" If you are also facing the same question then you are landed on the perfect post because here I will share some effective tips to write your first blog post.

Your first blog post should have everything like your blog's motive, who are the targeted readers, niche of your blog etc. You should write your first blog post in a manner that can set your blog's tone for readers as well as for other bloggers.

Here Are Some Tips To Write Your First Blog Post :

Describe Yourself :

You should start your post with a short intro about yourself. Tell your readers that who you are and what do you do. The more you describe yourself and your business more the readers will trust you. Share your expertise with readers so that they can trust you and ask for your help. Make sure the information you are going to share is true, because if somehow your readers find that you are providing the false information then it will be difficult to regain their trust.

Your Motive :

You should clarify your motive that why you are blogging. This will show your intentions, your readers will get an idea that why should they read your blog and what they will gain after reading your blog. Consider your audience and tell them your motive to blog.

Your Topics :

Your topic to write about will decide your audience, you should describe your topics well so that readers can decide what they will get from your blog. Spell out your topics so that readers can expect what they will know when they read your blog. If someone like your topic then he/she may bookmark your blog, which will help you to have regular readers for your blog.

Contact Info :

Contact info is must for an online community, if you are going to start your own blog then you should give contact info to readers to contact you. Your first blog post should have your contact info that may be your e-mail id, phone no. or any thing else. This will help you to build readers trust in you which help you to have a long and successful blogging career.

So, these were some tips to write your first blog post. Now it is up to you how you will write your first blog post to grab more and more readers to your blog.


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