Saturday 6 July 2013

5 Old Age SEO Strategies You Should Avoid

Posted by Tee Jay on Saturday 6 July 2013

SEO strategies have changed a lot since last two years. Regular changes in Search Engine Algorithms from Google have made SEO a lot more difficult task now. To get better results for your websites or blogs from your SEO strategies, it is important to adopt these changes. Many blogs and websites have been punished because of not adopting the changes and sticking with old SEO strategies that are of no use today. The old age SEO strategies are not as useful as they used to be 2-3 years ago.

Old age SEO strategies and spammy SEO strategies are two main reasons for getting punished by search engines. If you want to get better result for your blog then you should avoid the old SEO strategies. Here I’ll be going to share few old strategies that you should avoid to get higher search engine rankings.

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Thin Quality Content:

Google's main concern is to serve high quality unique content to users. Hence, if you want to get ranked higher in search results then you should write high quality content on your blog or website. High quality content is necessary to have a successful blog or website. Write well researched fresh and unique content to get results for your blog.

Exact Keywords as Anchor Text:

Few years back, the best way to get ranked for a keyword was by building good number of links by using the specific keyword as anchor text. But after the recent Google penguin updates, using exact keywords for all inbound links will make your site penalized by Google. To get better results from your link building campaign, make sure you diversify your anchor text. Use of brand name and generic keywords is a thing to consider after penguin updates.

Do Read: Top 3 SEO Factors to Consider in 2013

Link Exchanges and Reciprocal links:

If you are still using the link exchange strategy to build links to your blog then you are inviting Google to penalize your blog/website. Link exchanges and reciprocal links are of no use now. I’ll suggest you to stop this strategy because by this all you get will cheap and unnatural links which is enough to get you punished by Google.

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Private Blog Network:

Are you still using private blog networks to grab links and traffic to your blog? Well, then don’t blame Google for not sending visitors to your blog. Private blog networks are dead now, they will only help you to get punished by Google. Many blog networks and sites listed there were de-indexed by Google, so, you should stop running behind private blog networks to avoid Google penalty.

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Links from Web directories, Forums etc.:

It is 2013, an era of Google Panda and Penguin. Crappy links from web directories, forums and commenting will not help you to get higher search engine rankings. Instead of throwing thousands of links overnight for your blog or blog post, play it naturally. Natural link building will help you not the crappy and unnaturally links.

Must Read: How to Avoid Google Panda Penalty?

These were few old age SEO strategies that you should avoid to get better results from your SEO campaign. Share your views about this article by leaving a comment below.

1 comment:

  1. i learn so many things from this blog.keep updating.thank you so much.
