Thursday, 14 February 2013

Obesity: The Bane of Blogging

Posted by Tee Jay on Thursday, 14 February 2013

Obesity is one of the most familiar terms, especially to bloggers. As the popularity of a blog increases, the blogger behind the scene is compelled to work harder and be more productive in order to be consistent and stay ahead in the competition. As such, a blogger has to be stick to the monitor screen for hours. For a blogger, it puts lots of stress on a blogger and just not stress it also leads to obesity.

Bloggers are most likely to get obese. Know why? Bloggers spend most of their time on their desks while sitting on their chairs which is the main reason behind the obesity of bloggers. And Obesity can lead to several health problems like blood pressure, fat and diabetics. Before the situation gets serious and the ship gets sailed, you need to work out and follow few tips mentioned below.

Frequent Breaks for Weight Loss:

You are advised to take small breaks in regular intervals. For example if you finish writing one article, then give 5-10 minutes break to yourself. Breaks will help you to refresh your brain, eyes and body. Sitting still on a chair for long hours would results to obesity and as such, it’s advised to take small breaks between regular intervals.

After every hour, you should take few minutes break and in this break, you should get up from your chair and walk few steps which will help you to burn fat and consume energy in the body. During breaks, you can do anything that occupies physical movement. You can do any household work too which takes 5-10 minutes. These breaks will help you to recharge yourself for better productivity and along with that it will help you to be physically fit.

Consider a Portion-based Diet:

Before you jump into your diet plan or weight loss program of your own choice, consult with a doctor. Take the doctor’s advice to choose the perfect diet and exercise plan for your body needs and current health. Explain your doctor about your daily activity. Like, tell your doctor that you have to sit for long durations in front of your computer and ask the doctor for the right exercise and meals. Most doctors will advise you to extend your food intake into 6 meals a day.

Avoid Junk Food:

Bloggers should strictly stay away from junk food, also called fast food like chips, burgers, pizzas, etc. are fast food or junk food.

They contain too much fat and starch which are need to be avoided by bloggers because they raise the calorie amount in the body and as bloggers don’t do much physical work while sitting in front of computer, the calorie consumption rate becomes lower which leads to obesity.

Eat Healthy Stuffs:

Replace your fast food meals with healthy stuffs which can make you healthy, give you lots of energy and vitamins and can prevent you from being obese. For that, you’ll have to head over to the grocery store and purchase vegetables and fruits like Apple, green vegetables, peas, etc. which are protein-rich natural foods which are essential for bloggers as they help to boost functions of your brain .

Join a Gym or Fitness Center:

If you are facing serious obesity problems, then it’s highly recommended to join your nearest gym or fitness center. You can work out in gym or a fitness center to lose some weight and prevent yourself from obesity. Even you can buy gym equipments online with coupon code if available to obtain discounts.

Also, exercising on a daily basis can be a helpful solution. You can go for a morning walk, do jogging or cycling.


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