Saturday, 30 March 2013

5 Effective Ways to Avoid Google Panda Penalty

Posted by Tee Jay on Saturday, 30 March 2013

Google Panda has become a nightmare for website owners and since the day it has come into action, many fake websites and blogs have been punished. Many bloggers are also complaining about the decrease in traffic and search engine rankings solely due to the updates of Panda. Some popular sites like the and have also been the victims of the Google Panda. Not only these two but many other websites and blogs have been hard hit by the Google Panda updates. The Panda did these with an attempt to remove the fake and spam websites to create more space in its search engine. Well, there no definite way in which the Google Panda intrusion can be checked but yes there are ways to outrun and defeat Google Panda. Once you have been infiltrated, you have to make some particular changes to free your website from the clutches of the Google Panda.

Google Panda

Content should be Original:

Google is the world’s largest search engine and it has become better and better with every passing day. Google went against the copied content because it is working hard to provide users with accurate and exact results. So it is extremely important that you remove any content on your website that has been copied from any other website or blog or appears repetitively on the different pages of your website or blog. This is remarkably important to pay attention to this because the Panda takes no time to punish you for copied content.

Empty Pages should be Removed:

A very effective way to beat the Google Panda would be to delete and remove all the pages that are solely there to provide links to other pages. These pages must be removed and replaced with original content. This will save your website or blog from the Google Panda danger.

Auto Generated Contents and Associated Links:

Auto generate process creates pages and contents where no input from the human is required. If Google Panda finds that your contents have been created by auto generate mechanisms then it will not spare any time for penalizing your website or blog.

Go Social:

Instead of the regular content; create websites which helps you to grow as a brand which interests the people from all over the globe. If your plans are based on the SEO then most probably it’s time to change it as future search will be based on social levels. Build a website that interacts with people so that they create a bond with your work and your content and this will be appreciated by Google. Getting on social networking sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter will always give you an advantage and keep Google Panda away from you.

Do Read: Top 3 SEO Factors to Consider in 2013

Link Building:

Link building is a way to increase the number of incoming links to a website. Very often the websites try to mask their efforts and try to cheat Google to think that there website is very popular and really has a very good reputation. Also do not acquire links from low ranked websites as that may hamper your reputation as well. It is also advisable to stay away from websites that are created by Google AdSense or other advertising sites. Google does not see them as quality websites. Getting influenced by link building success stories and actually doing it can lead you to horrible results. So it’s always better to create original good quality content that the audience will love and bond with. It might be a slow process but Google Panda won’t penalize you for your original content.

Do Read: How to Remove Spam Backlinks using Google Disavow Tool


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