Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Top 3 SEO Factors to Consider in 2013

Posted by Tee Jay on Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Well, most people know the importance of SEO or Search Engine Optimization and how it is done to give your website a better ranking in the search engines. However, it is not as simple as it seems. Most of the companies working to get your site to newer heights would never be able to help after a certain limit. This is where author rank, social media exposure and diversifying anchor text come in handy. These are the top three SEO factors to consider in 2013.

Author Rank:

Search Engines as Google want to prioritize the content from verified authors or writers, as it is the only way forward. Millions of people across the globe prefer Google over any other Search Engine chiefly because the data that crops up in every search is considered credible or valid. This is where Author Rank comes in handy or is required. This was previously referred to as Agent Rank. All these years, Google devised means to filter out the spammers by including Page Rank, and now the big giant has taken steps to ensure that people get to access only valid content.

Diversify Anchor Text:

Instead of trying the same keyword and putting it hundred times as the anchor text, diversify your anchor text while building links to your blog or site. From 2013, if you wish to make it good over the net, you would have to diversify the anchor text. Using the same anchor text again and again can make your blog or website penalized by Google Penguin. To get better rankings you should diversify the anchor text and use it in a way which looks natural.

Social Media Exposure:

Social Media Optimization has become increasingly important over the last few years. This helps the people relate better to the website and the company. There are benefits of SMO and people unknowingly have become part of it. Merely clicking on one of the check boxes guarantees huge amount of traffic to the site and the best part of doing so, is the fact that it is completely free and people do it without any qualms. If you do wish to gain more exposure over the net, make sure that you content can be tagged or bookmarked. Increasing the quality of the same and linking it with the right sites would help you score big and gain attention.

So, the next time you plan to optimize your site, make sure that you hire a company which is good at all these three. Gone are the days when, simply repeating main keywords as anchor text and putting links everywhere would help your site rank better. As every day passes by, the search engine laws would become more stringent as they are ready to rout false content and spams. In times as these, author rank, diversifying the anchor text and social media optimization are all that can be of aid to you. Make sure that you avail these in order to score big when it would matter the most. This is the only way forward. If you think I missed any of the SEO factors that will work in 2013 to get better rankings and traffic then share it with us via leaving a comment.


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