Friday 24 August 2012

Things To Do Before Launching A Blog

Posted by Tee Jay on Friday 24 August 2012

The blog is an essential part of the business, yes it is. It leads to several benefits in the online marketing strategy. It helps in building links to the website, improves SERP, and retains customers for the longer time. As a blogger, you must give a hard thought before starting a blog and arrange couple of things as soon as you start.

Here are some must to do things before launching a blog

Explore :

Before you start your own blog, you must explore about blogs which are popular in the same niche. At same time, find out the things that are selling as hot cakes. It is always a great idea to emulate a couple of blogging league for sometimes to read and understand what they are posting on their websites. You can improve a lot by reading and finally a lot people who are seeking for good and informative content will start hanging around your blog.

Create A Buzz For Your Blog :

This is one of the important things that come in your checklist. You must be spreading news about the fact that you exist. Start talking about your blog at the prominent social networking sites such as Google, facebook, twitter, linkedin and pinterest along with interesting updates. This will make people excited about your blog. Even you can mention it to the local business and media partners. Choose the top notch blogs and start commenting on their blogs, this will bring you in the limelight.

Organize Your Blog Properly Before Launching :

The fever pitch of the excitement would already be at the height when you will launch your blog. So make sure that when they actually visit your website, it should leave them nothing to desire about. A couple of things that you can keep in mind before launching a blog are that make the RSS button appear clearly so that people can hit down the button to subscribe. It would great if you can give them the freedom to share the content on social media and subscribe it via email. This can boost up confidence and interest among the readers to land on your blog again and again. Commenting process needs to be easiest, since sensitive readers always feel to drop in a comment.

Guest Posting :

Start writing and post your thoughts on the reputed website. It is a great platform for the newbie in the blogging arena. Initially people feel panicky about providing free services but later on it proves a great idea of promoting your blog and link bait strategy.

Impressive Content :

To line up a successful blog, a good and impressive content is quite necessary. Before you actually set up a blog, you must find out the best resource that can provide the engaging as well the informative content for your blog. A reader’s friendly content will get a great number of readers and will provoke them to subscribe your blog immediately.

Comment On Blogs and Forums :

You must be spare some time in order to comment on different blogs and forums. Starting putting up your innovative ideas so that people start following you in the community. Beside this you must active participant in the social media, so that you can easily solidify your existence and people start trusting you gradually.


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